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CD El Nafas
by Tarik Benouarka


CD and DVD

Opera in arabic.
El Nafas is a symphonic merging of Arabian canto alto, its poetry and the profoundness of classical orchestra, personified in this “Desert Symphony”.

Pasdeloup Symphony Orchestra – Conductor : Philippe Hui – Solo violin : Arnaud Nuvolone – Soprani : Racha Rizk as Houria and Lara Elayyan as Mina – Tenor : Georges Wanis as Selim – Storyteller : Gaby Odeimi – Choir under the direction of Nayer Nagui, Cairo Opera conductor

Recording in Studios Davout, April 2014

Price  : 14,99€


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  • Duration : Oratorio CD : 60 mn and DVD : Studio Davout recording session teaser(5mn) – Work presentation – Algiers Opera premiere spectacle teaser ( 3mn)
  • Artiste : Tarik Benouarka
  • Libretto and Music : Tarik Benouarka
  • Arabic translation : Rima Sleiman
  • Dramatic support : Aline Souliers
  • Editor : Buzz prod
  • Production : 21-22

The Libretto : El Nafas is a tragedy, a spiritual and poetical work that explores the themes of fatality and the strengh of human willpower, hope and love in the face of destiny. The story carries us back to a distant past, long before the great revelations, into the heart of a mysterious desert, the Land of the Breath, Bilâd El Nafas. Here, protected by a sanctuary of dunes, live the Free Men, a tribe of nomads in search of the absolute and the custodians of a unique source of wealth : the Science of Dreams, the source of spiritual journeys and transhumance. Tragedy and evil attempt to take over this sanctuary and one moonless night, they get their chance. Houria, great initiate, is walking in the immensity of the desert, nesting her new-born Selim. As she thinks she is being attacked by a man, she mortally wounds him. Her mistake is fatal : she has just killed her beloved spouse: Abel, the tribe chief. The ruthless Agar, promoted Master of Dreams on Abel’s death, sentences the poor woman to atone for her crime by abandoning her son to the unknown. Houria dies of grief and her spirit becomes prisoner of Agar’s accomplice, Mina , the Queen of Adramuth, land of woe, where souls make amends for their mistakes. But an Angel is watching, saves the child and entrusts him to Okba, the tribe guide, who has remained faithful to the infant’s parents. Selim grows up, guided by the benevolent force of El Nafas. Him only is the heir of the Spirit Journeys. And the son of El Nafas will not rest until his land, tribe and precious knowledge are saved and his mother freed from the torment of her soul.

The author : Tarik Benouarka

Composer.Librettist.Spectacles and Opera Creator
“Embrace of classical music and arabic poetry”

Born in Algiers , with both arabic and french culture, he started music at the age of 4, influenced by his mother, a pianist who made him discover famous classical and arabic composers. After Agiers conservatoire, he completed his learning in France, Paris.

Multi-instrumentalist (piano, the arab lute and percussions instruments), Tarik will be passionate about all contemporary musical forms, building through his experiences his style and symphonist language before entering the opera world in which he expresses all his passions : Music, poetry, song, dramaturgy and all scenic arts.

Poet and playwright, his career is influenced by his double culture, both oriental and occidental that inspires his musical and artistic path.

Some creations examples

-Days and Nights of the Heart Tree : opera-ballet in arabic
-El Nafas: Opera tragedy in arabic in 2 acts and its oratorio version
-Sinbad, Son of the Wind : Opera for children in arabic
-Endless Story: Musical spectacle in english and arabic
-Music creation of The Wyld, musical show of Thierry Mugler for the Friedrish-Palast in Berlin
-Narâm Legend: oratorio for organ, 2 voices and a choir
-Ramâd: Lyrical poems for 2 pianos, a viola d’amore and a voice
-Silencio: Concerto for oboe and orchestra
-Music creation of The 3 Voices Cantata of Paul Claudel: musical theater

Work in progress

-Djamila: Opera in 2 acts
-Qais Wa Leila: Arabic fresco, Opera

More information on Tarik Benouarka’s website

1- Prologue
2 – Opening
3 – The Abandonment
4 – The Death
5 – Adramuth
6 – Selim
7 – Okba
8 – The Inspired
9 – First Encounter
10 – Second Scansion
11 – I am the Caravan
12 – Abel
13 – The Pylons Room
14 – Houria
15 – The Spirits Gate
16 – Forgiveness